MozFest Help Desk


Frequently Asked Questions

Mozilla Festival Schedule
  • What is the Mozilla Festival Plaza?

    Our Mozilla Festival Plaza, also known as the Mozilla Festival Schedule, is our interactive scheduling platform for MozFest House Amsterdam. Here you will find the full lineup of our sessions, speakers and facilitators, browse through our art exhibits, as well as our amazing 'Dialogues and Debates' series and keynote. Explore and add to your calendar to create your own unforgettable experience!
  • What do the different session types mean?

    We’ve grouped the sessions at MozFest House Amsterdam into a few helpful categories to help participants understand how that session will be conducted:

    • Discussion
      • Synchronous live sessions bring people together to learn from each other, share experiences, and build a common understanding of a given topic.
    • Workshop
      • Synchronous live sessions empower groups to collaboratively work on a project, co-create and problem-solve collectively, while learning a new skill.
      • OR Teamwork makes the dream work! Workshops are your chance to connect, create, and collaborate with fellow minds. Build projects together, learn new skills side-by-side, and tackle challenges as a team.
    • Social Moment
      • Forming new connections and deepening conversations is at the heart of MozFest! Sprinkled throughout our schedule lineup you’ll find a number of Social Moments to foster those important discussions outside of a formal session.
    • Community Plenary
      • Within the Mozilla Festival schedule you’ll find various sessions and workshops specially curated or produced by Mozilla for the benefit of the community as a whole. These could include our amazing Dialogue and Debate series, the Festival Keynote, and other special events throughout the Mozilla Festival.
    • Arts & Media
      • Throughout MozFest House Amsterdam you’ll find a wonderful array of engaging art exhibitions, interactive installations, and thought provoking performances. These experiences can be found under the “Arts & Media” section of the Plaza.
  • What time is a specific session taking place?

    Each session at MozFest House Amsterdam will be assigned a specific time and date which you can view in the Plaza. You can click the “Schedule” tab and browse all sessions, or use the search or filter options along the top to deep dive into specific content.
  • I've registered for MozFest House Amsterdam but I get an error message when I try to login.

    Please ensure you are logging in with the same email that you used when registering for MozFest House Amsterdam. If you are using the same email address, make sure you have assigned your ticket. Search for your order confirmation email (with the subject line: “Your MozFest House Amsterdam 2024 Confirmation & Receipt”) and then press the 'View Order' button. If you are still experiencing issues after assigning your ticket, please reach out to
  • I'm unable to login to the Plaza? / The login box turns red when I enter my email.

    There are a couple of reasons for your email address not being accepted by the system:
    • If you have just registered, it can take up to 5 minutes for the schedule to recognize your email address. Please wait a moment and try again.
    • Did someone else register on your behalf? First ensure they have assigned the ticket to you, and if they have, you will need to complete your ticket sign up - check your inbox for an email from
    • If you're still having problems logging in after following these steps get in touch with on in the #help channel on Discord or email us at
  • Can I sync my Plaza schedule with my Google or Outlook calendar?

    Yes! Follow the simple instructions HERE to add your MozFest session calendar.
Mozilla Festival Tickets
  • Do I need a ticket to attend MozFest House Amsterdam?

    Yes, to be able to attend MozFest House Amsterdam you will need to have registered for a ticket on our website. Tickets are available on our ticketing page.
  • How much are the tickets for MozFest House Amsterdam?

    Ticket prices start at just €55 for our community pass, which is subsidized by Mozilla, with a regular Festival Pass costing €200 for full access to the event as well as the Songs of the Living concert taking place on 13 June.
  • I’ve registered for a ticket but haven’t received a confirmation email!?

    Ticket confirmations are sent from Please check your spam in case it’s sent there. If you haven't received your ticket please reach out to
MozFest House Amsterdam Event information
  • What are the dates for MozFest House Amsterdam?

    MozFest House Amsterdam will be taking place 11-13 June 2024
  • Where is MozFest House Amsterdam taking place?

    MozFest House Amsterdam will take place at Tolhuistuin (which means Tolhouse Garden), located directly across the river on the North (Noord) side of the city. It can be accessed via a free ferry which runs continuously back and forth from Central station 24/7 and takes a few minutes.

    Venue website link:
    Google Maps link:
  • What do I do once I arrive at MozFest House Amsterdam?

    Welcome! As you arrive at the venue you will find helpful signs and navigation aids directing you to the registration desk. From there you’ll be checked in and provided with your MozFest badge - it’s important you wear that badge at all times during the event. If you ever get lost, just keep an eye out for the colorful shirts that have #MozHelp on the back and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
  • What if someone or something makes me feel uncomfortable, or I feel like I’m being harassed in any of my sessions?

    All of our Mozilla Festival events are governed by our Community Participation Guidelines. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or would like to report a concern, you can approach any staff member or Volunteer for immediate aid and report any issues to for follow-up with our MozFest Safety team.
  • Will the sessions at MozFest House be recorded?

    Our Keynote session and 'Dialogues and Debates' series are recorded and will be available to live stream and watch after the event. Beyond that, sessions at MozFest House Amsterdam will not be recorded.


Do you have thoughts you’d like to share about your experience or comments to pass along to the Mozilla Festival team? Please feel free to reach out via We’ll also be following up after the event with a brief survey and hope you’ll share your thoughts!