7 - 9 novimber 2025 | BARSELONA, SPANJE

Mozilla Festival 2025

De wichtichste gearkomst foar minsken dy’t wurkje oan in bettere digitale wrâld.

Doch mei yn Barselona om 15 jier fan MozFest te fieren.

Foar 15 jier isMozilla Festival it thús west foar grutte ideeën, fette petearen, en de beweging foar in better ynternet. Dit jier bringe wy dy enerzjy werom nei Barselona, en jo wurde útnûge om der diel fan te wêzen.

Fan 7 oant 9 novimber sammelje wy de meast nijsgjirrige en kreative geasten fan de wrâld foar trije dagen fan workshops, debatten en praktyske gearwurking om de rol fan technology yn ús libben opnij yn te stellen.

Dit is jo romte om oars te tinken, frijmoedich te hanneljen en it ynternet sa as jo it kenne ôf te learen.

Mear as 2000

minsken dy’t technology en kultuer opnij definiearje

Mear as 200

ûnderfiningen ûntwurpen om te fersteuren

3 dagen

takomstrjochte tinken en oan de wrâld bouwe


wrâldwide beweging


Us tema foar 2025: Ofleare

De takomst sil net boud wurde troch âlde regels te folgjen. Dit klimaat ropt ús op om de systemen, ynstellingen en standerts dy’t wy allegearre oanlein en stipe hawwe opnij te ûndersykjen, en mei frisse eagen nei oplossingen te sjen – net allinnich kritiken.

Join Us

In ûnderfining organisearje

Lead a session, run a workshop, share your art, or build something hands-on. The call for proposals launches later this year.


Support the movement for a better internet by becoming a sponsor.

Get in touch


Step behind the scenes and attend Mozilla Festival for free by giving some of your time as a volunteer.  Applications open soon.

Unforgettable Highlights

The Big Open

Leaders from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, and Mozilla explore the evolution and future of open source, emphasizing the unity of a global community.

Tim Berners-Lee gestures with both hands while speaking on stage. A presentation screen and event backdrop are visible in the background.
2018 London, UK

Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web, shares his vision for a decentralized internet and the future of digital freedom.

    2023 Virtual

    A Conversation with Angela Davis and Christian Smalls

    Insights from the front lines of building, mobilizing, and sustaining grassroots movements for lasting change.

    Three panelists sit on stage engaged in discussion, with a large screen between them. The audience is seated in rows, facing the stage.
    2023 Amsterdam

    Navigating Deceptive Design and Regulation

    Exploring the strengths and gaps in EU policies tackling deceptive design and dark patterns.

    Angela Oduor Lungati stands on stage, gesturing while holding a presentation remote. A large screen behind her displays bold text and a city skyline silhouette.
    2024 Zambia

    Angela Oduor Lungati - Your Data, Your Power

    AI and grassroots technology won’t change the world on their own—it’s how communities use them that will.