Colaborar como voluntario en el festival es una gran oportunidad para aprender entre bastidores cómo se desarrolla este increíble evento. Si te encanta Mozilla y apoyas la salud de Internet, esta es la manera perfecta de contribuir a la causa. Y si eres nuevo/a en el Festival Mozilla, es una forma fantástica de integrarte, cumplir un rol y unirte a un equipo desde el principio.
Volunteering at MozFest House Zambia
The Mozilla Festival wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and passion of our volunteers. This is your chance to get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this extraordinary event comes to life. If you're a Mozilla enthusiast or a champion of internet health, volunteering is the perfect way to make a meaningful impact.
Volunteers assist with a variety of tasks, from participant registration and welcome desks to organizing swag bags, wayfinding, helping speakers, and even event setup and breakdown. By contributing just four hours of your time, you’ll receive meals on-site, a Mozilla Festival t-shirt, and a personalized participation letter as a thank-you for your support.
Volunteer at MozFest House ZambiaYour chance to volunteer at MozFest House Zambia
Volunteer applications for MozFest House Zambia this November 19-21 are now open! Can’t make it? No worries—more opportunities are coming early next year. In the meantime, register your interest or sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop.

Conoce a Robby
"El programa de voluntarios se conforma de un grupo de personas que disfrutan de la Web abierta, desean un Internet sano y son apasionadas de la comunidad. Son quienes personifican el movimiento en favor de la salud de Internet".
Get Your MozFest House Zambia Tickets
Community Tickets
Join MozFest House Zambia with free access to the range of sessions, workshops, and interactive experiences available over the two days. You'll engage in meaningful conversations, collaborate with others, and ignite creativity as we work together to achieve Trustworthy AI in Africa.
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